Our office hours in New Zealand are 8:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday New Zealand time (Saturday - Sunday Closed). Note this is 18 hours ahead of USA Eastern Standard Time and 12 hours ahead of GMT (not taking into account any potential daylight savings time changes).
After office hours, your call will be diverted to our voicemail system where you can leave us a message. All customers who leave us a message will be responded to by phone or email the next business day.
Whether you are a Christchurch local, or visiting from overseas, you are welcome to stop by our shop and purchase our products on-site or have a look around. Factory tours are available by appointment. Please contact us at least 48 hours in advance to make a booking.
Our hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday New Zealand time. The only exception to this is local New Zealand public holidays.
Please note that for in-store sales, we take EFTPOS and credit cards. We do not accept cash.
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