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Why Blood Is So Brilliant!

Ever wondered why the sight of blood from a cut can make some people queasy? Well, considering how important it is for your body, it's easy to understand why... in short, blood is life.

But what makes blood so important? For starters, it's responsible for several key roles that ensure your body is functioning at its very best. These roles include:

  • Supplying oxygen to muscles, organs, and tissues... this is the job of the red blood cells which are also called erythrocytes.
  • Providing immune protection... foreign matter and germs are neutralized by white blood cells (also called leukocyctes).
  • Circulating proteins and lipoproteins such as cholesterol, as well as electrolytes and immunoglobulins (antibodies) - all suspended in the blood's matrix... also known as plasma.
  • Acting as a messenger medium to transport hormones and nutrients to parts of the body that need them... including areas where tissue damage has occurred.
  • Removing carbon dioxide, toxins, and byproduct waste such as lactic acid.
  • Regulating the body's pH levels and core temperature.
  • Clotting... a necessary function that must occur at the site of a cut or open wound to prevent you from bleeding to death.

However, these are just the basics... let's look at blood in more detail.

Blood is a good indicator of health. This is because it interacts with virtually every organ, muscle, and tissue in the body. At any given time, a snapshot of your health can be accessed from a simple blood test. But that's just skimming the surface... when it comes to your health, you need to know as much as possible about the condition of your body... looking for the early signs of anything that could possibly mean a precursor for an increased health risk.

Some doctors immediately jump to conclusions when reading their patients' blood tests, as the first thing they look for is the cholesterol level... often without taking into account the ratio of HDL/LDL cholesterol or other risk factors such as:

C-Reactive Protein (CRP) - this measures inflammation in the blood and can be used as a marker for serious health conditions such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes.

Homocysteine - elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood are often associated with an increased risk of heart disease as well as bone weakness which could result in serious fractures such as broken hips.

Triglycerides - high levels of triglycerides in the blood have been linked to atherosclerosis as well as an increased risk of strokes and aneurysms.

By addressing these factors, you will be taking a step in the right direction to improve the quality of not only your blood but your health in general. Of course, eating a healthy balanced diet, drinking lots of water, and exercising regularly helps.

The best way to naturally improve the quality of your blood is to supplement daily with the right nutrients and bioactive ingredients. Our Total Balance and Omega 3 range of products may help support the health of many systemic functions, including improved organ health and the reduced risk of various health conditions like heart disease and neurodegenerative diseases.


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